
Are there any compulsory vaccinations for entering Cape Verde?

Vaccines recommended for travellers

  • Vaccine againsthepatitis A
  • Vaccine againsthepatitis B
  • Vaccine against typhoid
  • Vaccine reminder for tetanus-diphtheria-mumps
  • Vaccine against rage (especially for longer stays or outdoor activities)
  • Vaccine against yellow fever (only if you are arriving from a country where this disease is endemic)

Yellow fever vaccine

To enter Cape Verde, there are only no vaccinations required. However, certain health measures are strongly recommended to ensure a safe journey.

Among the recommended vaccinesThese include those for common illnesses such as :

  • Hepatitis A and B
  • Typhoid
  • Tetanus
  • Diphtheria
  • Whooping cough

The yellow fever vaccine is not generally required for travellers arriving directly from Europe or North America. However, it does become compulsory if you are arriving from a country where this disease is endemic. It is therefore advisable to check the latest health recommendations before you leave.

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, health protocols often include the presentation of a negative PCR test carried out prior to travel, as well as compliance with barrier measures and isolation measures in the event of symptoms. It is strongly recommended that you keep abreast of regular updates to these protocols.

Access to health services in Cape Verde is relatively good, with facilities capable of dealing with common emergencies. It is advisable to take out health insurance to cover any medical expenses incurred on the spot. Health-conscious travellers can also consult the medical services specifically for tourists.

Hepatitis A vaccine

At present, no compulsory vaccination is required to enter the Cape Verde. However, it is always advisable to check for updates on health requirements before travelling, especially during pandemic periods.

Some vaccines are strongly recommended to ensure optimum protection and avoid health risks during your stay.

Current recommendations include several vaccines to protect travellers against various diseases.

  • Hepatitis A vaccine
  • Hepatitis B vaccine
  • Diphtheria-tetanus-polio vaccine reminder
  • Typhoid vaccine
  • Rabies vaccine (in certain specific cases)

The hepatitis A vaccine is particularly recommended, as this disease can be contracted by drinking contaminated water or eating contaminated food. It is advisable to receive this vaccine at least two weeks before departure. A booster dose every 6 to 12 months ensures long-term protection.

By following these recommendations, travellers can enjoy their stay while maximising their health safety. Do not hesitate to consult your doctor or a vaccination centre for the most appropriate advice for your situation. For the latest updates and instructions, government websites or international health organisations remain reliable sources of information.

Typhoid vaccine

To join Cape VerdeThere are no compulsory vaccinations for travellers from Europe or North America. However, it is advisable to check specific requirements if you are travelling via a country where diseases such as yellow fever are endemic.

Vaccines recommended for travellers

Although vaccinations are not compulsory, several recommended vaccines can help you stay healthy during your stay in Cape Verde. Here are some important suggestions:

  • Hepatitis A vaccine
  • Hepatitis B vaccine
  • Typhoid vaccine
  • Tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis vaccine (dTcaP)
  • Yellow fever vaccine (recommended if you are in transit through a high-risk area)

Typhoid vaccine

The typhoid vaccine is particularly recommended for those planning to stay in Cape Verde for an extended period or to visit rural areas, where food hygiene is less controlled. Typhoid is spread mainly through contaminated food and water.

There are two types of typhoid vaccine:

  • Oral vaccine (live attenuated): a series of capsules taken over several days
  • Injectable vaccine (inactivated): a single injection

Make sure you are vaccinated at least one to two weeks before you travel for optimum protection. As with any vaccine, consult your doctor or a travel clinic to determine the best option for your state of health and itinerary.

Entry conditions linked to vaccines

To join Cape VerdeCompared to other destinations, health measures are fairly flexible. There are no compulsory vaccines imposed on travellers. However, certain vaccinations are strongly recommended to ensure optimum health during your stay.

Travellers are advised to ensure that their routine vaccinations are up to date, including vaccinations against diphtheria, tetanus, polio, measles, mumps and rubella (DTP and MMR vaccines).

In addition to routine vaccinations, it is generally recommended to be vaccinated againsthepatitis A and B. Hepatitis A is transmitted mainly by drinking contaminated water or eating contaminated food, while hepatitis B is transmitted through blood or other body fluids, often by unsafe medical practices.

It may also be a good idea to get vaccinated against typhoid feverEspecially if you plan to stay in rural areas or eat local food.

The malaria is not considered a great risk in Cape Verde, however, it is important to protect yourself against mosquito bites by using repellents and sleeping under mosquito nets. Cases of dengue fever, another mosquito-borne disease, have been reported in the past.

Finally, during a pandemic, make sure you follow the COVID-19 protocols in force, which may include pre-departure or arrival tests, as well as a full COVID-19 vaccination schedule.

Compulsory vaccinations for nationals

For travellers to Cape VerdeTo ensure a trouble-free stay, it is essential to find out about the health requirements in force.

For nationals of most countries, no compulsory vaccination is not required to enter Cape Verde. However, it is strongly recommended that you update certain routine vaccinations to provide effective protection against common illnesses.

Recommended vaccinations include :

  • Hepatitis A vaccine
  • Hepatitis B vaccine
  • Typhoid vaccine
  • Rabies vaccine (for travellers planning activities likely to expose them to animals)
  • Yellow fever vaccine (only necessary if you are arriving from a country where this disease is endemic)

It is also advisable to check the COVID-19 protocols in force before departure, as these may affect the conditions for entry into Cape Verde. Travellers may be required to present a certificate of vaccination against COVID-19 or a recent COVID-19 screening negative.

For any specific questions, it is advisable to consult the health authorities or the Cape Verdean embassy in your country of residence.

Possible exemptions

If you are planning to travel to Cape VerdeIn Cape Verde, it is essential to be aware of the health requirements in force to ensure your entry goes smoothly. Cape Verde does not currently require a compulsory vaccination to enter the country. However, certain vaccinations are strongly recommended to protect your health during your stay.

The Cape Verde health authorities recommend that the following vaccinations be updated:

  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Tetanus
  • Typhoid

For travellers from countries where the yellow fever is present, a yellow fever vaccination certificate may be required on entry. It is therefore advisable to check with the local authorities or your doctor before departure.

The COVID-19 has introduced additional health measures. Although the restrictions may change, it is advisable to check the requirements for PCR test or vaccination against COVID-19 before your trip. You must still wear a mask and observe barrier measures in certain public places.

From exemptions may apply, particularly to children and people with medical contraindications vaccinations. Travellers in these situations must present appropriate medical certificates to justify the exemption at health checks on arrival.

Make sure you consult the latest travel information provided by the Cape Verdean authorities or diplomatic representations before you leave. This will help you to be well prepared and avoid any problems on arrival.

Period of validity of vaccines

To join Cape Verdethere is no compulsory vaccines for travellers from Europe. However, it is strongly recommended that you keep up to date with the latest routine vaccinations such as those against diphtheria, tetanus, polio and whooping cough.

Vaccines against hepatitis A and B, as well as the typhoid feverare also recommended. These are particularly recommended if you plan to stay in rural areas or have close contact with the local population.

Concerning the malariaAlthough the risk is low in urban areas, it is a good idea to take precautions such as wearing mosquito repellents and long clothing to protect against bites.

The period of validity of vaccines varies according to type. Here are a few examples:

  • Hepatitis A vaccine: one dose for one year's protection, a second dose for twenty years' protection.
  • Hepatitis B vaccine: series of three injections, lifelong protection.
  • Typhoid vaccine: two to three years, depending on the type of vaccine.

Don't forget to consult your doctor or an international vaccination centre for personalised advice before you leave for the Netherlands. Cape Verde. This will allow you to travel with complete peace of mind, with the certainty of being protected against common illnesses.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemicalways check the protocols and specific health requirements before you travel.

Are there any compulsory vaccinations for entering Cape Verde? Yes, vaccination against yellow fever is compulsory for travellers from high-risk areas.

Pre-trip preparation

Travelling to Cape Verde does not require compulsory vaccinations for most visitors. However, it is strongly recommended that you consult the general health and vaccination recommendations to ensure a safe trip.

It is essential to check that your basic vaccinations are up to date, such as :

  • Diphtheria
  • Tetanus
  • Polio
  • Whooping cough
  • Measles

Additional vaccinations may be recommended depending on local conditions and the length of your stay, such as :

  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Typhoid

Yellow fever vaccine is not compulsory, unless you come from a country where yellow fever is endemic. In this case, proof of vaccination will be required on entry to Cape Verde.

With regard to COVID-19If you are planning to travel abroad, it is important to keep up to date with current health regulations. This may include the presentation of a negative PCR test or proof of vaccination in accordance with the latest guidelines issued by local and international health authorities.

If you enjoy diving or other aquatic activities, it is also advisable to check whether specific vaccinations are required for this type of activity.

Making an appointment with a health professional before you leave will enable you to benefit from personalised advice and prepare for your stay in Cape Verde in the best possible way.

Medical consultation recommended

There are no vaccinations to enter Cape Verde mandatory. However, certain vaccinations are strongly recommended to ensure your safety and health during your stay.

Before travelling, check your routine vaccinations. It is recommended that you are up to date on vaccinations against diphtheriathe tetanusthe poliothe whooping cough and the measles. These vaccines are generally part of standard vaccination programmes in many countries.

For a optimum protectionYou should also consider the following vaccines:

  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Typhoid fever
  • Rage (if you intend to be in contact with animals or stay for an extended period)

A medical consultation is recommended before you leave. Make an appointment with your doctor or an international vaccination centre to discuss the vaccinations you will need, depending on your itinerary and the length of your stay.

For Cape Verde, it is also advisable to take precautions against diseases transmitted by mosquitoessuch as malaria and dengue fever. Use insecticide repellents, mosquito nets and wear long clothing to minimise bites.

Given the current context, find out about the protocols COVID-19 in force. Health requirements and prevention measures can change rapidly, so it's a good idea to check the latest recommendations before you leave.

To make sure you have a carefree trip, don't forget to take out a health insurance which covers medical expenses and repatriation if necessary.

Finally, keep the emergency numbers Make sure you have all the local information you need to hand and find out about the medical services available to tourists in Cape Verde.

Documents to be supplied

Preparing for a trip to Cape Verde involves taking into account several health-related aspects. First of all, it is essential to know the health requirements of the country. The Cape Verdean authorities do not require travellers from most countries to be vaccinated. However, it is advisable to check whether special vaccines are required or recommended, especially in the event of epidemics of specific diseases.

We strongly advise you to consult a doctor or an international vaccination centre for personalised advice before you leave. Vaccinations against the following diseases are often recommended:

  • Hepatitis A
  • Typhoid fever
  • Tetanus
  • Diphtheria

The WHO and local authorities also recommend that you keep up to date with your routine vaccinations.

For a trip to Cape Verde, some documents are essential and must be prepared in advance:

  • A valid passport valid for at least six months from the date of entry.
  • A confirmed accommodation reservation or home address in Cape Verde.
  • A form for pre-registration (EASE) to be completed before arrival.
  • Proof of return ticket or continued travel.

Visitors should also take into account COVID-19 protocols which may include the presentation of a recent negative PCR test or vaccination certificate.

Vaccination planning

Travelling to Cape Verde requires a few health precautions. Although no compulsory vaccination is not imposed on visitors, there are a few recommendations to consider to ensure a peaceful stay.

Before you leave, we recommend that you check whether your routine vaccinations are up to date. In particular, make sure you have been vaccinated against :

  • Diphtheria
  • Tetanus
  • Polio
  • Measles
  • Mumps
  • Rubella
  • Whooping cough

Travellers planning to visit rural areas or staying for long periods should also be vaccinated against :

  • Hepatitis A and B
  • Typhoid fever
  • Rabies

It is crucial to plan your vaccination sufficiently in advance. Some vaccines require several doses or take time to become fully effective. Talk to your doctor four to six weeks before departure to draw up a vaccination plan tailored to your needs.

In view of the current health situation COVID-19 protocols must also be checked. This includes testing, quarantine or vaccination certificate requirements, which may change. Consult official sources before you leave for the latest information.

For diving enthusiasts, don't forget to check the specific protocols to this activity, particularly in terms of preventing diseases such as dengue fever and chikungunya. Use mosquito nets and repellents to protect yourself from insect bites.

To be on the safe side, keep a list of the emergency numbers and local medical establishments so that you have access to care if you need it. Medical services specifically for tourists are available and can offer invaluable help.

Practical information for travellers

On your next trip to Cape Verdeyou may be wondering what the compulsory vaccines to enter this island country. To date, there are no compulsory vaccinations required to cross the borders of Cape Verde, unless you come from an area where the yellow fever. If this is the case, a yellow fever vaccination certificate is essential.

It is strongly recommended to be up to date on certain vaccinations to avoid health risks. Here is a list of recommended vaccinations for travellers to Cape Verde:

  • Hepatitis A : This vaccine is recommended because of the risk of contamination through food and water.
  • Hepatitis B : For travellers likely to receive medical care or have sexual contact.
  • Tetanus-Diphtheria-Polio : A reminder is always advisable for travellers.
  • Typhoid : Useful for long stays or where hygiene conditions are limited.
  • Rage : Mainly for stays in rural areas or for exposed professions.

It is also advisable to consult your doctor or an international vaccination centre for advice tailored to your state of health and the length of your stay.

With regard to the current health situation, the protocols COVID-19 to Cape Verde may include specific requirements such as a negative PCR test before departure or on arrival, as well as proof of vaccination against COVID-19. These measures are subject to change, so it is essential to check the latest information with the local authorities or your airline.

Finally, don't forget to take out a travel insurance covering medical expenses and repatriation, and to have local emergency numbers at hand. These precautions will enable you to travel with complete peace of mind.

Resources and reliable sites

To join Cape VerdeThere are currently no no vaccinations required. However, it is strongly recommended that you keep up to date with certain vaccinations.

Recommended vaccines include :

  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Tetanus-diphtheria-polio
  • Typhoid
  • Vaccination against rabies, depending on planned activities

It is also advisable to check the need for specific vaccines in the light of the current health situation and the risks to human health. COVID-19 protocols in force. To do this, it is advisable to consult a doctor specialising in travel medicine.

With regard to COVID-19 protocols, travellers should obtain information on the PCR tests or other health measures required before and during your stay, to avoid any unpleasant surprises on arrival.

The specific medical services are well developed in Cape Verde. It is advisable to know the emergency numbers and to identify the health facilities available in the area.

For greater efficiency and simplicity, you can consult reliable resources for all updates on health requirements. These resources include

  • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs website
  • Consulates and embassies of Cape Verde
  • World Health Organization and World Tourism Organization websites

These sources will help you stay informed and prepare for your travels in the best possible conditions.

Finally, for fans of diving and other water-based activities, it's essential to make sure that your travel insurance covers these specific practices. Peace of mind is well worth a few extra costs.

State of health in Cape Verde

Travellers to the Cape Verde do not need to present a specific vaccination booklet to enter the country. However, it is strongly recommended that you are up to date with certain common vaccinations before leaving. These vaccinations include :

  • Vaccine against diphtheria-tetanus-polio (DTP)
  • Vaccine against hepatitis A and B
  • Vaccine against typhoid
  • Vaccine against yellow feverespecially if you have recently visited a country where this disease is endemic
  • Vaccine against rage for extended stays or contact with animals

For travellers who are particularly concerned about health issues, it is advisable to consult a health professional to assess the need for other vaccinations depending on the length of your stay and your itinerary.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemicSpecific measures may be put in place. It is therefore essential to check the protocols in force before you leave. This may include presenting a certificate of COVID-19 vaccinationa negative PCR test, or adherence to a quarantine period in accordance with local guidelines.

The health system Cape Verde offers specific medical services for tourists. If necessary, you have access to private clinics and public hospitals. For maximum peace of mind, it is advisable to take out travel insurance covering medical expenses abroad.

Don't forget to check the emergency numbers before you leave and find out about the medical services available near your place of residence. For diving and other water sports, make sure you have the necessary equipment and follow local recommendations to avoid accidents.

Additional precautions to be taken

To join Cape Verdethere is no compulsory vaccines. However, certain vaccinations are strongly recommended to ensure a safe trip. Remember to check your health record to make sure your basic vaccinations are up to date, such as diphtheria, tetanus and polio (DTP).

As far as specific vaccinations are concerned, it is advisable to be vaccinated against :

  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Typhoid in the event of prolonged stays or poor hygiene conditions
  • Rage if you plan to be in contact with animals

There is no transmission of yellow fever in Cape Verde. However, a yellow fever vaccination certificate is required for travellers aged over one year coming from countries where the disease is present.

Also take precautions against diseases transmitted by mosquitoessuch as malaria and dengue fever. Use repellents, wear long clothing and sleep under a mosquito net if necessary.

In these times of COVID-19If you are travelling with an infected person, make sure you are aware of the health protocols in force, including tests and any quarantines. It is recommended to be vaccinated against COVID-19 before travelling.

For diving enthusiasts, health insurance including options for scuba diving is highly recommended. In the event of health problems, you should know that Cape Verde has specific medical services for tourists, including emergency numbers to keep to hand.

Q: Are there any compulsory vaccinations for entering Cape Verde?

A: Yes, some vaccinations are compulsory to enter Cape Verde:

  • Yellow fever vaccine for travellers coming from areas at risk of the disease

Q: What other vaccinations are recommended for travelling to Cape Verde?

A: In addition to the yellow fever vaccine, it is recommended to be vaccinated against :

  • Diphtheria
  • Tetanus
  • Polio
  • Typhoid

Q: Is it compulsory to present a vaccination certificate on arrival in Cape Verde?

A: Yes, it is compulsory to present a yellow fever vaccination certificate on arrival in Cape Verde, particularly if you come from an area at risk of the disease.